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#1. In Which Situation Fine Pitch Is Chosen ?
#2. In Windmilling Situation, Propeller Has
#3. Why Propeller Blades Are Manufactured Twisted ?
#4. What Angle Are The Propeller Blades In ''Feather'' ?
#5. How To Avoid The Negative Aerodynamic Effect Caused By Blade Tips In Multi-Engine Aircraft?
#6. What Is The Propeller Slip ?
#7. Aerodynamic Correction Factor Is Used To Set ..........
#8. Using A Reduction Gear Allows The Blades to work at ..............
#9. What Is Synchronisation System Used For ?
#10. How Electrical Power Is Transmitted To The Propeller Used For Ice Protection ?
Aircraft Technic Maintenance Practice Quiz 1
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Cockpit Switches Quiz 1
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